Interfacepublic interface CommandData
Implementors DefaultCommandData

Represents the data produced by commands, usually inside a group or flow.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
getAllObjects(type:Class = null):Array
Returns all results of the specified type.
getObject(type:Class = null):Object
Returns the result of the specified type if any command has produced a matching result.
Method Detail
public function getAllObjects(type:Class = null):Array

Returns all results of the specified type. When no matching result was added this method returns an empty Array. When a flow or group contains nested flows or groups their result is represented by a separate CommandData instance.


type:Class (default = null) — the type of the results to return (if omitted all types are included)

Array — an Array holding all matching results that were added to this instance
public function getObject(type:Class = null):Object

Returns the result of the specified type if any command has produced a matching result. In case of multiple matches the last matching result that was added to this instance is returned. When no matching result was added this method returns null.


type:Class (default = null) — the type of the result to return (if omitted all types are considered)

Object — the last result added to this instance with a matching type