Interfacepublic interface PropertyWatcher
Implementors DefaultPropertyWatcher, FlexPropertyWatcher

Responsible for watching changes of a single property of one target instance.

This interface helps abstracting away the fact that while it is convenient to use the Flex Binding architecture for this purpose in Flex applications, these are not available in Flash applications.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Stops watching the property.
watch(target:Object, property:Property, changeEvent:String, callback:Function):void
Watches the property of the specified target object for change events and invokes the specified callback on each change, passing the new value.
Method Detail
public function unwatch():void

Stops watching the property.

public function watch(target:Object, property:Property, changeEvent:String, callback:Function):void

Watches the property of the specified target object for change events and invokes the specified callback on each change, passing the new value.


target:Object — the instance that holds the property to observe
property:Property — the target property that holds the published value
changeEvent:String — the event type that signals that the property value has changed (has no effect in Flex applications)
callback:Function — the callback to invoke on each property change