Classpublic class ParameterBuilder
InheritanceParameterBuilder Inheritance Object

Utility class for resolving parameters of constructors and methods.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
processParameters(target:FunctionBase, values:Array):Array
[static] Returns the parameters to be passed to the specified constructor or method based on the (potentially) unresolved values passed with the second argument.
Method Detail
public static function processParameters(target:FunctionBase, values:Array):Array

Returns the parameters to be passed to the specified constructor or method based on the (potentially) unresolved values passed with the second argument. If the target method expects one or more parameters but the specified value array is empty the default behavior is to assume injection by type for all parameters. Otherwise the value will get processed and any implicit type reference found in the array gets notified of the required target type.


target:FunctionBase — the target (method or constructor) to process the parameters for
values:Array — the potentially unresolved or empty Array of parameters

Array — the parameters as they should be applied to the target