Interfacepublic interface Context extends
Implementors DefaultContext

The main interface of the IOC Container providing access to all configured objects.

It is recommended that you avoid to work with the Context API directly in regular application development. Parsley is designed in a way that helps you keep your objects decoupled from the framework (and decoupled from each other). Thus you should probably prefer working with the Parsley Manual over using these Framework API Docs.

But if you are extending or modifying the framework, building your own framework on top of Parsley or just creating a bunch of custom configuration tags, it is likely that you need access to the Context.

There are two ways to get access to a Context:

All builtin Context implementations like DefaultContext, ChildContext or DefaultDynamicContext use an ObjectDefinitionRegistry internally. Thus with all builtin Context implementations you'll be able to work with all MXML, XML or Metadata tags that map to classes implementing ObjectDefinitionDecorator.

But implementations of this interface are not required to work with ObjectDefinitions, for special requirements you can create custom implementations from scratch.

Context instances returned by the various ContextBuilder entry points may not be fully initialized yet, depending on whether the configuration mechanism used operates synchronously or asynchronously, and whether the Context contains object which are defined to be asynchronously initializing (e.g. through the [AsyncInit] metadata tag.

You can check the state of a Context instance through its configured and initialized properties. The former is set to true as soon as all configuration artifacts have been processed (e.g. loading XML files, reflecting on MXML configuration classes and so on). The latter will be set to true after all objects configured to be non-lazy singletons have been instantiated and fully configured, including objects configured for asynchronous initialization.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  configured : Boolean
[read-only] Indicates whether configuration for this Context has been fully processed.
  destroyed : Boolean
[read-only] Indicates whether this Context has been destroyed.
  domain : ApplicationDomain
[read-only] The ApplicationDomain used to reflect on instance of this Context.
  initialized : Boolean
[read-only] Indicates whether this Context has been fully initialized.
  parents : Array
[read-only] All parent Contexts that this Context inherits from.
  scopeManager : ScopeManager
[read-only] The scope manager that handles all scopes that this Context belongs to.
  viewManager : ViewManager
[read-only] The view manager used to dynamically wire view instances to this Context.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Creates an object from the specified definition and dynamically adds it to the Context.
addDynamicObject(instance:Object, definition:DynamicObjectDefinition = null):DynamicObject
Dynamically adds the specified instance to the Context.
Checks whether this Contex contains an object with the specified id.
Returns a new dynamic object for the specified id.
Returns a new dynamic object for the specified type.
Destroys this Context.
findAllDefinitionsByType(type:Class, status:LookupStatus = null):Array
Returns all definitions for the specified type.
findDefinition(id:String, status:LookupStatus = null):ObjectDefinition
Returns the definition for the object with the specified id or null if no such object exists.
Returns one definition for the specified type.
Returns all objects that match the specified type.
Returns the singleton object with the specified id.
Returns a singleton object of the specified type.
getObjectCount(type:Class = null):uint
Returns the number of objects in this Context that match the specified type.
 Event Summary Defined By
  Dispatched when configuration for this Context has been fully processed.Context
  Dispatched when the Context was destroyed.Context
  Dispatched when Context initialization failed.Context
  Dispatched when the Context was fully initialized.Context
Property Detail
configured:Boolean  [read-only]

Indicates whether configuration for this Context has been fully processed. This includes loading configuration files, reflecting on classes, processing metadata tags or validating the configuration. After this property is set the configuration of the Context is sealed an can no longer be modified. If you try to access the content of this Context with methods like getObject before this property has been set to true, an Error will be thrown. In case this property is set to false after Context creation you can listen to the ContextEvent.CONFIGURED event.

    public function get configured():Boolean
destroyed:Boolean  [read-only]

Indicates whether this Context has been destroyed. When this property is set to true, the Context can no longer be used and most of its methods will throw an Error.

    public function get destroyed():Boolean
domain:ApplicationDomain  [read-only]

The ApplicationDomain used to reflect on instance of this Context.

    public function get domain():ApplicationDomain
initialized:Boolean  [read-only]

Indicates whether this Context has been fully initialized. This includes processing the configuration (thus configured is always true if this property is true) and instantiating all objects that were configured as non-lazy singleton (the default). This includes processing all objects which were configured to be asynchronously initializing, waiting until all these objects have been fully initialized. In case this property is set to false after Context creation you can listen to the ContextEvent.INITIALIZED event.

The objects contained in this Context can already be accessed before this property is set to true (as long as the configured property is set to true). This is necessary since objects that are instantiated and configured during the initialization process of the Context may need access to their dependencies. But you should be aware that you might mix up the initialization order so you should use the Context with caution before this property is set to true.

    public function get initialized():Boolean
parents:Array  [read-only]

All parent Contexts that this Context inherits from.

    public function get parents():Array
scopeManager:ScopeManager  [read-only]

The scope manager that handles all scopes that this Context belongs to. This includes scopes inherited from parent Contexts as well as scopes created for this Context.

    public function get scopeManager():ScopeManager
viewManager:ViewManager  [read-only]

The view manager used to dynamically wire view instances to this Context.

    public function get viewManager():ViewManager
Method Detail
public function addDynamicDefinition(definition:DynamicObjectDefinition):DynamicObject

Creates an object from the specified definition and dynamically adds it to the Context.


definition:DynamicObjectDefinition — the definition to create an object from

DynamicObject — an instance representing the dynamically created object and its definition
public function addDynamicObject(instance:Object, definition:DynamicObjectDefinition = null):DynamicObject

Dynamically adds the specified instance to the Context.


instance:Object — the object to add to the Context
definition:DynamicObjectDefinition (default = null) — optional definition to apply to the existing instance

DynamicObject — an instance representing the dynamically created object and its definition
public function containsObject(id:String):Boolean

Checks whether this Contex contains an object with the specified id.


id:String — the id to check

Boolean — true if this Context contains an object with the specified id
public function createDynamicObject(id:String):DynamicObject

Returns a new dynamic object for the specified id. Throws an Error if no such object exists. Dynamic objects can only be created from DynamicObjectDefinitions, such as those created by the <DynamicObject> MXML tag or the <dynamic-object> XML tag.


id:String — the id of the object

DynamicObject — a new dynamic object for the specified id
public function createDynamicObjectByType(type:Class):DynamicObject

Returns a new dynamic object for the specified type. This method will throw an Error if no object with a matching type exists in this Context or if it finds more than one match. Dynamic objects can only be created from DynamicObjectDefinitions, such as those created by the <DynamicObject> MXML tag or the <dynamic-object> XML tag.


type:Class — the type of the object to return

DynamicObject — a new dynamic object for the specified type
public function destroy():void

Destroys this Context. This includes processing all lifecycle listeners for all objects that this Context has instantiated and calling their methods marked with [Destroy]. The Context may no longer be used after calling this method.

public function findAllDefinitionsByType(type:Class, status:LookupStatus = null):Array

Returns all definitions for the specified type.


type:Class — the type of the objects to return
status:LookupStatus (default = null) — internal status to avoid duplicate lookups, not used in normal application code

Array — all definitions for the specified type
public function findDefinition(id:String, status:LookupStatus = null):ObjectDefinition

Returns the definition for the object with the specified id or null if no such object exists.


id:String — the id of the object
status:LookupStatus (default = null) — internal status to avoid duplicate lookups, not used in normal application code

ObjectDefinition — the definition for the object with the specified id or null
public function findDefinitionByType(type:Class, status:LookupStatus = null):ObjectDefinition

Returns one definition for the specified type. Throws an Error if there is more than one definition for the specified type. If this Context has parents, it should only look into parent Contexts if the definition cannot be found in the local Context.


type:Class — the type of the object to return
status:LookupStatus (default = null) — internal status to avoid duplicate lookups, not used in normal application code

ObjectDefinition — one definition for the specified type
public function getAllObjectsByType(type:Class):Array

Returns all objects that match the specified type. This includes subclasses or objects implementing the interface in case the type parmeter is an interface. When no match is found an empty Array will be returned.


type:Class — the type of the objects to return

Array — all objects that match the specified type
public function getObject(id:String):Object

Returns the singleton object with the specified id. Throws an Error if no such object exists.


id:String — the id of the object

Object — the object with the specified id
public function getObjectByType(type:Class):Object

Returns a singleton object of the specified type. This method will throw an Error if no object with a matching type exists in this Context or if it finds more than one match.


type:Class — the type of the object to return

Object — an object of the specified type
public function getObjectCount(type:Class = null):uint

Returns the number of objects in this Context that match the specified type. If the type parameter is omitted the number of all objects in this Context will be returned.


type:Class (default = null) — the type to check for matches

uint — the number of objects in this Context that match the specified type
Event Detail
configured Event
Event Object Type:
ContextEvent.type property =

Dispatched when configuration for this Context has been fully processed. This includes loading configuration files, reflecting on classes, processing metadata tags or validating the configuration. After this property is set the configuration of the Context is sealed an can no longer be modified.

Some ContextBuilder implementations excute synchronously. In this case this event will never fire. Thus before registering for this event you should check the configured property on the Context.

Constant for the type of event fired when a Context instance was configured. After this event has fired all configuration has been processed and all ObjectDefinition instances have been frozen and cannot be modified anymore. Context.getObject and other methods of the Context can now be called. But application code should be careful to fetch objects from the container before the INITIALIZED event because it could alter the sequence of asynchronously initializing objects. Nevertheless it is legal to fetch objects at this point because the asynchronously initializing objects might have dependencies themselves.
destroyed Event  
Event Object Type:
ContextEvent.type property =

Dispatched when the Context was destroyed. At this point all methods marked with [Destroy] on objects managed by this context have been invoked and any child Context instances were destroyed, too.

Constant for the type of event fired when a Context instance was destroyed.
error Event  
Event Object Type:
ErrorEvent.type property =

Dispatched when Context initialization failed. This may happen due to errors in processing the configuration or because some asynchronous initializer on a non-lazy singleton failed. All objects that have already been created at this point (partly or fully) will get their PreDestroy methods invoked.

After the INITIALIZED event of this Context has fired and the initialized property was set to true, this event can never fire. In particular it does not fire if retrieving a lazy initializing object fails after Context initialization.

initialized Event  
Event Object Type:
ContextEvent.type property =

Dispatched when the Context was fully initialized. At this point all configuration was processed and all non-lazy singleton objects in this Context have been instantiated and configured and their asynchronous initializers (if any) have successfully completed.

Some ContextBuilder implementations execute synchronously. In this case this event will never fire. Thus before registering for this event you should check the initialized property on the Context.

Constant for the type of event fired when a Context instance was initialized. A Context is fully initialized if all asynchronous initializers for non-lazy singletons (if any) have completed and the parent Context (if set) is fully initialized too.