Classpublic class ViewLifecycleTag
InheritanceViewLifecycleTag Inheritance Object
Implements BootstrapConfigProcessor

MXML tag for declaring a custom view lifecycle to be used by the corresponding Context for all matching view types. The tag can be used as a child tag of the ContextBuilder tag:
     <parsley:ViewLifecycle viewType="{Window}" lifecycle="{AirWindowLifecycle}"/>
     <parsley:FlexConfig type="{BookStoreConfig}"/>
     <parsley:XmlConfig file="logging.xml"/>

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  lifecycle : Class
The type of the lifecycle.
  params : Array
Optional parameters the parameters to pass to the constructor of the lifecycle instance.
  viewType : Class
The type for which this lifecycle should be applied.
Property Detail
public var lifecycle:Class

The type of the lifecycle. The specified class must implement the ViewLifecycle interface.

public var params:Array

Optional parameters the parameters to pass to the constructor of the lifecycle instance.

public var viewType:Class

The type for which this lifecycle should be applied. This will include all subtypes of the specified class.