Classpublic class ConfigurationValueResolver
InheritanceConfigurationValueResolver Inheritance Object

Responsible for resolving some special tags that can be used in MXML or XML configuration for specifying object references or arrays possibly containing references.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
resolveValue(value:*, registry:ObjectDefinitionRegistry):Object
Resolves special tags for object references or inline object definitions and returns representations that can be used in object definitions.
resolveValues(values:Array, registry:ObjectDefinitionRegistry):void
Resolves special tags for object references or inline object definitions that the specified Array possibly contains and replaces them with representations that can be used in object definitions.
Method Detail
public function resolveValue(value:*, registry:ObjectDefinitionRegistry):Object

Resolves special tags for object references or inline object definitions and returns representations that can be used in object definitions.


value:* — the value (tag) to resolve
registry:ObjectDefinitionRegistry — the associated configuration

Object — the resolved configuration value
public function resolveValues(values:Array, registry:ObjectDefinitionRegistry):void

Resolves special tags for object references or inline object definitions that the specified Array possibly contains and replaces them with representations that can be used in object definitions.


values:Array — the Array to resolve
registry:ObjectDefinitionRegistry — the associated configuration