Classpublic class DefaultXmlTags
InheritanceDefaultXmlTags Inheritance Object

Allows to install or disable all default built-in XML tags offered by Parsley. For backwards-compatibility these tags are opt-out, not opt-in. Therefore the install method gets called by the various entry points for Context building. To disable the default set of XML tags the disable method has to be called before creating the first Context.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
[static] Disables all of the tags in the set of built-in XML tags.
[static] Installs the default set of XML tags.
Method Detail
public static function disable():void

Disables all of the tags in the set of built-in XML tags. This method has to be called before creating the first Context. Individual sets of the default tags can then get enabled again, either through their API or their MXML initializer tag. For injection for example it would be the InjectXmlSupport MXML tag which can be used as a child of the ContextBuilder tag.

public static function install():void

Installs the default set of XML tags. Since these tags are opt-out, not opt-in, there is no need for application code to call this method. The various entry points for Context building will automatically call this method.