 AsyncInitBuilder Builder for asynchronous object initialization.
 DecoratorAssembler Assembles decorators for a single ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
 DynamicObjectBuilder Builder for a definition of a dynamic object.
 ImplicitTypeReference A type reference that relies on the target type getting deduced from the member (property, method, constructor) it gets injected into.
 MethodBuilder Builder for applying configuration to a single method.
 MethodProcessorBuilder Builder for applying configuration to a single method processor.
 ObjectConfiguration Generic marker interface for anything that is responsible for configuring an object.
 ObjectDefinitionBuilder The core interface for applying configuration for a single object definition.
 ObjectDefinitionBuilderFactory A factory for builders that can be used to create ObjectDefinitions programmatically, using the franmework's configuration DSL.
 ObjectDefinitionDecorator The core extension interface for adding configuration artifacts to an object definition.
 ObjectDefinitionReplacer Responsible for replacing the processed object definition with the final definition to be used for registering it in the container or use it as a nested object.
 ObjectProcessorBuilder Builder for applying configuration to a single object processor.
 PropertyBuilder Builder for applying configuration to a single property.
 PropertyProcessorBuilder Builder for applying configuration to a single property processor.
 SingletonBuilder Builder for the definition of a singleton object.