Classpublic class ContextAwareTagBase
InheritanceContextAwareTagBase Inheritance ConfigurationTagBase Inheritance

Base class for MXML configuration tags that need to know the nearest Context in the view hierarchy above them. Extends and thus supports all the features of ConfigurationTagBase. Subclasses only have to overwrite the template method handleContext for doing the actual work.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
ContextAwareTagBase(requiredEvent:String = null, listenerPriority:int = 0, stageBound:Boolean = true, supportsBindings:Boolean = true)
Creates a new instance.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
Invoked when the specified view has been added to the stage and is fully initialized (in case it is a Flex component).
handleContext(context:Context, view:DisplayObject):void
Invoked when the specified context has been found in the view hierarchy and is in the required state.
Constructor Detail
public function ContextAwareTagBase(requiredEvent:String = null, listenerPriority:int = 0, stageBound:Boolean = true, supportsBindings:Boolean = true)

Creates a new instance.

requiredEvent:String (default = null) — the event to wait for before invoking the handleContext method
listenerPriority:int (default = 0) — the priority to use when adding listeners to the document object this tag is associated with
stageBound:Boolean (default = true) — true if the tag should wait until the associated document object is added to the stage before performing its work
supportsBindings:Boolean (default = true) — true if this tag supports binding and thus has to wait until the associated document object is initialized before performing its work
Method Detail
protected function handleContext(context:Context, view:DisplayObject):void

Invoked when the specified context has been found in the view hierarchy and is in the required state. The required state depends on the requiredEvent parameter passed to the constructor (either ContextEvent.INITIALIZED or ContextEvent.CONFIGURED or null). If no Context was found the parameter will be null. It is up to the concrete tag implementation to decide whether this should be treated as an Error or not.


context:Context — the Context that was found in the view hierarchy above this tag or null if none was found
view:DisplayObject — the fully initialized view this tag was placed upon