Classpublic class ContextBuilderTag
InheritanceContextBuilderTag Inheritance ConfigurationTagBase Inheritance

MXML tag for creating a Parsley Context. In the most simple use case where only a single MXML configuration class is used, it can be specified with the config attribute:
                  <parsley:ContextBuilder config="{BookStoreConfig}"/>

When combining multiple configuration mechanism or when a custom scope or extension must be specified, the corresponding child tags can be used:

     <parsley:FlexConfig type="{BookStoreConfig}"/>
     <parsley:XmlConfig file="logging.xml"/>
     <parsley:Scope name="window" inherited="true"/>

Default MXML Propertyprocessors

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  config : Class
A class that contains MXML configuration for this Context.
  context : Context
[read-only] The Context built by this tag.
  description : String
A description to be passed to the Context for logging or monitoring purposes.
  domain : ApplicationDomain
The ApplicationDomain to use for reflection.
  findParentInView : Boolean = true
Specifies whether the new Context should automatically find a parent Context in the view hierarchy above the view root.
  parents : Array
The parents to use for the Context to build.
  processors : Array
The individual configuration artifacts for this ContextBuilder.
  viewRoot : DisplayObject
The initial view root for dynamically wiring view objects.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
Invoked when the specified view has been added to the stage and is fully initialized (in case it is a Flex component).
 Event Summary Defined By
  Dispatched when the Context built by this tag was fully initialized.ContextBuilderTag
  Dispatched when building the Context failed.ContextBuilderTag
Property Detail
public var config:Class

A class that contains MXML configuration for this Context. This parameter is optional, configuration artifacts can also be added with child tags like <FlexConfig> or <XmlConfig>.

context:Context  [read-only]

The Context built by this tag. May be null before the tag performed its work. The value may be used for bindings.

This property can be used as the source for data binding.

    public function get context():Context
public var description:String

A description to be passed to the Context for logging or monitoring purposes.

public var domain:ApplicationDomain

The ApplicationDomain to use for reflection. Will usually automatically detected and only has to be specified if the domain is neither the root ApplicationDomain nor a domain that was used to load a Flex module.

public var findParentInView:Boolean = true

Specifies whether the new Context should automatically find a parent Context in the view hierarchy above the view root. The default is true. When a parent is found in the view hierarchy it will get added to the list of Contexts specified explicitly on this instance.

public var parents:Array

The parents to use for the Context to build. One parent will usually get detected automatically in the view hierarchy. This parameter can be used to either specify additional parents (since version 2.4 Parsley supports multiple inheritance) or to explicitly specify a parent that cannot be found in the view hierarchy, for example when the parent Context is not associated with a view root DisplayObject.

public var processors:Array

The individual configuration artifacts for this ContextBuilder.

public var viewRoot:DisplayObject

The initial view root for dynamically wiring view objects. Should not be specified explicitly in most cases. If this property is not set the tag will use the associated document instance as a view root.

Event Detail
complete Event
Event Object Type: org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.tag.builder.FlexContextEvent
FlexContextEvent.type property = org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.tag.builder.FlexContextEvent.INITIALIZED

Dispatched when the Context built by this tag was fully initialized.

error Event  
Event Object Type:
ErrorEvent.type property =

Dispatched when building the Context failed.