Classpublic class PropertiesStringTag
InheritancePropertiesStringTag Inheritance Object
Implements BootstrapConfigProcessor

MXML tag for declaring a String containing properties. The tag supports the same syntax for the String reference as the PropertiesFile tag for loading external files. This could be useful for external files that should not get loaded during runtime but instead get compiled into the application.

The tag can be used as a child tag of the ContextBuilder tag:

                  <mx:String id="properties" source="" />
     <parsley:PropertiesString source="{properties}"/>
     <parsley:FlexConfig type="{BookStoreConfig}"/>
     <parsley:XmlConfig file="logging.xml"/>
For the supported syntax see:

See also

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  source : String
The reference to a String to be parsed and interpreted the same way as a loaded properties file.
Property Detail
public var source:String

The reference to a String to be parsed and interpreted the same way as a loaded properties file.