Interfacepublic interface BootstrapConfigProcessor
Implementors BindingMetadataSupport, BindingXmlSupport, CommandObserverMetadataSupport, CommandObserverXmlSupport, CommandXmlSupport, CustomConfigTag, FlexConfigTag, InjectMetadataSupport, InjectXmlSupport, LifecycleMetadataSupport, LifecycleXmlSupport, LocalScopeTag, MessageSettingsTag, MessagingMetadataSupport, MessagingXmlSupport, PropertiesFileTag, PropertiesObjectTag, PropertiesStringTag, ResourceMetadataSupport, ResourceXmlSupport, RuntimeConfigTag, ScopeTag, ViewLifecycleTag, ViewProcessorTag, ViewSettingsTag, XmlConfigTag

Interface to be implemented by classes that participate in the Context bootstrap sequence. Implementations can be used for adding configuration artifacts, declaring custom scopes or initializing extensions. Usually only used for implementing tag libraries, but added to the core to avoid bidirectional dependencies between optional modules.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Processes the specified configuration instance, adding configuration artifacts, declaring custom scopes or initializing extensions.
Method Detail
public function processConfig(config:BootstrapConfig):void

Processes the specified configuration instance, adding configuration artifacts, declaring custom scopes or initializing extensions.

To initialize a global extension like a custom configuration tag or a replacement or decorator for one of the IOC Kernel services, the corresponding hooks like BootstrapDefaults.config should be used and the config parameter can simply be ignored.


config:BootstrapConfig — the configuration that will be used to create the Context