 ManagedEventsDecorator Represents a Metadata, MXML or XML tag that can be used on classes that dispatch events that should be dispatched through Parsleys central message router.
 MessageBindingDecorator Represents a Metadata, MXML or XML tag that can be used on properties which wish to be bound to a property value of a particular message type dispatched through Parsleys central message router.
 MessageDispatcherDecorator Represents a Metadata, MXML or XML tag that can be used on properties where a message dispatcher function should be injected.
 MessageErrorDecorator Represents a Metadata, MXML or XML tag that can be used on methods that should handle errors that were thrown by a regular message target.
 MessageHandlerDecorator Represents a Metadata, MXML or XML tag that can be used on methods which wish to handle messages dispatched through Parsleys central message router.
 MessageReceiverDecoratorBase Base class for decorators used for message receivers that offer the attributes scope, type, selector and order which are common to all builtin receiver tags.