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managed — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.binding.tag.PublishDecorator
Indicates whether the value published by this property should be added to the Context (turned into a managed object) while being published.
managed — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.binding.tag.PublishSubscribeDecorator
Indicates whether the value published by this property should be added to the Context (turned into a managed object) while being published.
ManagedArray — Dynamic Class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder.ref
Represents an Array that might contain special configuration values like object references or inline object definitions alongside simple values.
ManagedCommandBuilder — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.command
A builder DSL for creating command instances that are managed by the container.
ManagedCommandFactory — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.command
Factory responsible for creating instances of command proxies that are managed by the container.
ManagedCommandLifecycle — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.command.impl
Extension of the standalone CommandLifecycle from Spicelib that deals with adding and removing commands to/from the Context during execution and passing them to the CommandManager.
ManagedCommandLifecycle(context:org.spicefactory.parsley.core.context:Context, root:org.spicefactory.parsley.core.command:ManagedCommandProxy, trigger:org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging:Message) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.parsley.command.impl.ManagedCommandLifecycle
Creates a new instance.
ManagedCommandProxy — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.command
Represent a single command proxy managed by the container.
ManagedCommands — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.command
API for creating container managed commands programmatically.
ManagedEventsDecorator — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.tag
Represents a Metadata, MXML or XML tag that can be used on classes that dispatch events that should be dispatched through Parsleys central message router.
ManagedEventsDecoratorTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.xml.tag
Represents the managed-events XML tag.
ManagedEventsProcessor — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.processor
Processor that registers and unregisters listeners to managed events that should be dispatched through Parsley's central message router.
ManagedEventsProcessor(names:Array, scope:String) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.processor.ManagedEventsProcessor
Creates a new processor instance.
ManagedObject — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.lifecycle
Represents a single managed object, the actual instance alongside with its definition and associated Context.
ManagedObjectHandler — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.lifecycle
The handler for a single managed obejct.
Map — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.collection
Simple Map implementation that overcomes the limitations of the Flash Dictionary API which lacks essential methods and properties like size/length.
Map(dictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.lib.collection.Map
Creates a new instance.
mapAllToAttributes() — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.PropertyMapperBuilder
Maps all properties of the mapped class to attribute of the mapped XML element.
mapAllToChildTextNodes() — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.PropertyMapperBuilder
Maps all properties of the mapped class to text nodes of child elements of the mapped XML element.
MapCommandTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.command.tag
Represents a mapping in MXML or XML configuration for a managed command that gets executed when a matching message is dispatched in the Context.
mappedClasses(... rest) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.XmlObjectMappings
Adds all specified classes to the group of mappings.
MappedCommandBuilder — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.command
A builder DSL for mapping commands to messages.
MappedCommandProxy — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.command.impl
Parsley message target that executes a command when a message is received.
MappedCommandProxy(factory:org.spicefactory.parsley.core.command:ManagedCommandFactory, context:org.spicefactory.parsley.core.context:Context, info:org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.receiver:MessageReceiverInfo) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.parsley.command.impl.MappedCommandProxy
Creates a new instance.
MappedCommands — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.command
API for mapping commands to messages programmatically.
MappedMetadata — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.reflect.metadata
Represents a metadata tag that marks a class as a mapped metadata class.
MappedProperty — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.reflect.mapping
Represents a single property that can be mapped to an attribute of a metadata tag or an XML tag.
MappingError — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.xml
Error thrown when an XML-to-Object mapping operation failed.
MappingError(message:String, causes:Array) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.MappingError
Creates a new instance.
mapToAttribute(propertyName:String, attributeName:QName) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.PropertyMapperBuilder
Maps the property with the specified name to the XML attribute with the specified name.
mapToChildElement(propertyName:String, mapper:org.spicefactory.lib.xml:XmlObjectMapper) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.PropertyMapperBuilder
Maps the property with the specified name to the object mapped to the specified XML element.
mapToChildElementChoice(propertyName:String, choice:org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper:Choice) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.PropertyMapperBuilder
Maps the property with the specified name to the objects of a choice of mapped child elements.
mapToChildTextNode(propertyName:String, childName:QName) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.PropertyMapperBuilder
Maps the property with the specified name to the XML text node of the child element with the specified name.
mapToChoiceId(propertyName:String, id:String) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.MetadataMapperBuilder
Maps the property with the specified name to the objects of a choice of child elements with a particular string identifier.
mapToChoiceType(propertyName:String, type:Class) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.MetadataMapperBuilder
Maps the property with the specified name to the objects of a choice of child elements that map to a particular interface or class and its subtypes and implementors.
mapToObject(element:XML, context:org.spicefactory.lib.xml:XmlProcessorContext) — method, interface org.spicefactory.lib.xml.XmlObjectMapper
Maps from XML to object.
mapToObject(element:XML, context:org.spicefactory.lib.xml:XmlProcessorContext) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.AbstractXmlObjectMapper
Maps from XML to object.
mapToObject(element:XML, context:org.spicefactory.lib.xml:XmlProcessorContext) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.PropertyMapper
Maps from XML to object.
mapToObject(element:XML, context:org.spicefactory.lib.xml:XmlProcessorContext) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.SimpleValueMapper
Maps from XML to object.
mapToTextNode(propertyName:String) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.PropertyMapperBuilder
Maps the property with the specified name to the XML text node inside the mapped XML element.
mapToXml(object:Object, context:org.spicefactory.lib.xml:XmlProcessorContext) — method, interface org.spicefactory.lib.xml.XmlObjectMapper
Maps from object to XML.
mapToXml(object:Object, context:org.spicefactory.lib.xml:XmlProcessorContext) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.AbstractXmlObjectMapper
Maps from object to XML.
mapToXml(object:Object, context:org.spicefactory.lib.xml:XmlProcessorContext) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.PropertyMapper
Maps from object to XML.
mapToXml(object:Object, context:org.spicefactory.lib.xml:XmlProcessorContext) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.SimpleValueMapper
Maps from object to XML.
markAsCompleted() — method, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.events.ViewConfigurationEvent
Marks this event instance as processed by a corresponding Context.
markAsProcessed() — method, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.events.ContextLookupEvent
Marks this event instance as processed by a corresponding Context.
markAsReceived() — method, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.events.ViewConfigurationEvent
Marks this event instance as received by a corresponding Context.
matches(result:org.spicefactory.lib.command:CommandResult) — method, interface org.spicefactory.lib.command.flow.LinkCondition
Determines whether the condition this instance represents is met based on the specified result of the preceding command in the flow.
maxParams(count:int) — method, interface org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder.MethodProcessorBuilder
Specifies the maximum of method parameters expected by this processor.
Member — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.reflect
Represents a named member of a Class (a Constructor, Property or Method).
MemberTagMap — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.reflect.mapping
Represents the metadata tags placed upon a single member of a class.
MemberTagMap(unresolved:Array, owner:org.spicefactory.lib.reflect:MetadataAware) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.lib.reflect.mapping.MemberTagMap
Creates a new instance.
mergedMappings(mappings:org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper:XmlObjectMappings) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.XmlObjectMappings
Merges an existing group of mappings into this group.
mergeInto(choices:org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper:ChoiceRegistry) — method, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.ChoiceRegistry
Merges the content of this registry into the specified registry.
message — Property, class org.spicefactory.lib.command.events.CommandFailure
A textual representation of the failure.
message — Property, class org.spicefactory.lib.logging.LogEvent
The message for this event.
message — Property, interface org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging.MessageProcessor
The message instance.
message — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging.impl.DefaultMessageProcessor
The message instance.
Message — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging
Represents a single message and all its relevant settings.
MessageBinding — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging
API for defining a message binding.
MessageBindingDecorator — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.tag
Represents a Metadata, MXML or XML tag that can be used on properties which wish to be bound to a property value of a particular message type dispatched through Parsleys central message router.
MessageConfirmation — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.util
Utility class that allows to show a Flex Alert with Yes and No buttons and only continue with message processing when the user clicks yes.
MessageConfirmation(title:String, text:String) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.util.MessageConfirmation
Creates a new instance.
MessageConfirmationTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.util
Utility tag for convenient declaration of a confirmation dialog that opens in response to a message and only proceeds when the user clicks Yes.
MessageDispatcher — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging.impl
Represents a reference to a message dispatcher function.
MessageDispatcher(scopeManager:org.spicefactory.parsley.core.scope:ScopeManager, scope:String, owner:Object) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging.impl.MessageDispatcher
Creates a new instance.
MessageDispatcherDecorator — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.tag
Represents a Metadata, MXML or XML tag that can be used on properties where a message dispatcher function should be injected.
MessageDispatcherProcessor — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.processor
Processor that injects a message dispatcher function into the target object for routing messages through the frameworks messaging system.
MessageDispatcherProcessor(scope:String) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.processor.MessageDispatcherProcessor
Creates a new processor instance.
MessageError — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging
API for configuring methods that should handle errors that were thrown by a regular message target.
MessageErrorDecorator — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.tag
Represents a Metadata, MXML or XML tag that can be used on methods that should handle errors that were thrown by a regular message target.
MessageErrorHandler — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging.receiver
Handles errors thrown by regular message targets or interceptors.
MessageHandler — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging
API for defining a message handler.
MessageHandlerDecorator — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.tag
Represents a Metadata, MXML or XML tag that can be used on methods which wish to handle messages dispatched through Parsleys central message router.
MessageHandlerDecoratorTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.xml.tag
Represents the message-handler XML tag.
MessageProcessor — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging
Responsible for processing a single message.
messageProperties(value:Array) — method, class org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.MessageHandler
Sets the optional list of names of properties of the message that should be used as method parameters instead passing the message itself as a parameter.
messageProperties — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.tag.MessageHandlerDecorator
Optional list of names of properties of the message that should be used as method parameters instead passing the message itself as a parameter.
messagePropertiesAsString — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.xml.tag.MessageHandlerDecoratorTag
The names of the properties of the message instance to be applied as method parameters on the target handler method as a single String concatenated with a ','.
messageProperty(value:String) — method, class org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.MessageBinding
Sets the name of the property of the message type whose value should be bound to the target property.
messageProperty — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.receiver.DefaultMessageBinding
The property of the message that should be bound to the target property.
messageProperty — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.tag.MessageBindingDecorator
The name of the property of the message type whose value should be bound to the target property.
MessageReceiver — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging.receiver
Base interface for all types of message receivers a MessageRouter handles.
MessageReceiverCache — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging
A cache of receivers for a particular message type which MessageRouter implementations use for performance optimizations.
MessageReceiverCollection — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging.impl
A collection of message receivers for a particular message type.
MessageReceiverCollection(messageType:Class) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging.impl.MessageReceiverCollection
Creates a new instance.
MessageReceiverDecoratorBase — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.tag
Base class for decorators used for message receivers that offer the attributes scope, type, selector and order which are common to all builtin receiver tags.
MessageReceiverInfo — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.receiver
The base configuration for a message receiver.
MessageReceiverKind — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging
Enumeration for the different kinds of message receivers.
MessageReceiverProcessor — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.processor
Processor that registers and unregisters any kind of message receiver.
MessageReceiverProcessor(factory:Function, scopeName:String) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.processor.MessageReceiverProcessor
Creates a new processor factory.
MessageReceiverRegistry — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging
Registry for receivers of messages dispatched through a MessageRouter.
messageReceivers — Property, interface org.spicefactory.parsley.core.scope.Scope
The registry for receivers of application messages dispatched through this scope.
messageReceivers — Property, interface org.spicefactory.parsley.core.scope.ScopeInfo
The registry for receivers of application messages dispatched through this scope.
messageReceivers — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.scope.impl.DefaultScope
The registry for receivers of application messages dispatched through this scope.
messageReceivers — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.scope.impl.DefaultScopeInfo
The registry for receivers of application messages dispatched through this scope.
messageRouter() — method, class org.spicefactory.parsley.context.ServiceRegistryBuilder
Returns the builder for specifying the implementation or decorators for the messaging system.
messageRouter — Property, interface org.spicefactory.parsley.core.bootstrap.BootstrapInfo
The service that implements the messaging system.
messageRouter — Property, interface org.spicefactory.parsley.core.bootstrap.ServiceRegistry
The configuration for the service that implements the messaging system.
messageRouter — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.bootstrap.impl.DefaultBootstrapInfo
The service that implements the messaging system.
messageRouter — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.bootstrap.impl.DefaultServiceRegistry
The configuration for the service that implements the messaging system.
MessageRouter — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging
The central message routing facility.
messageSettings() — method, class org.spicefactory.parsley.context.ContextBuilderSetup
Allows to specify messaging settings.
messageSettings — Property, interface org.spicefactory.parsley.core.bootstrap.BootstrapConfig
The settings for the MessageRouter of the new Context.
messageSettings — Property, interface org.spicefactory.parsley.core.bootstrap.BootstrapInfo
messageSettings — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.bootstrap.impl.DefaultBootstrapConfig
The settings for the MessageRouter of the new Context.
messageSettings — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.bootstrap.impl.DefaultBootstrapInfo
MessageSettings — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging
Factory responsible for creating MessageRouter instances.
MessageSettingsBuilder — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.context
Builder for messaging settings.
MessageSettingsTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.tag.builder
MXML tag for providing the settings to apply for messaging.
MessageState — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging
Enumeration for the current state of a processed message.
MessageTarget — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging.receiver
Represent a regular target for a message.
messageType(type:Class) — method, class org.spicefactory.parsley.command.MappedCommandBuilder
The type of message (including subtypes) that should trigger command execution.
messageType — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.command.tag.MapCommandTag
The type of message (including subtypes) that should trigger command execution.
messageType — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.messaging.impl.MessageReceiverCollection
The type of message receivers in this collection are interested in.
MessagingMetadataSupport — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.metadata
Provides a static method to initalize the messaging metadata tags.
MessagingXmlSupport — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.xml.mapper
Provides a static method to initalize the XML tags for messaging.
Metadata — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.reflect
Represents a single metadata tag associated with a class, property or method declaration.
MetadataAware — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.reflect
Base class for all types that can have associated metadata tags.
MetadataDecoratorAssembler — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder.metadata
DecoratorAssembler implementation that can be used by all object definition builders that wish to process metadata tags on classes.
MetadataDecoratorAssembler() — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder.metadata.MetadataDecoratorAssembler
Creates a new instance.
MetadataMapperBuilder — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper
Extension of the base PropertyMapperBuilder that supports mapping configuration with metadata.
MetadataMapperBuilder(objectType:Class, elementName:QName, choices:org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper:ChoiceRegistry, namingStrategy:org.spicefactory.lib.xml:NamingStrategy, domain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper.MetadataMapperBuilder
Creates a new instance for building a mapper that maps the specified objectType to the XML element with the specified name.
MetadataMapperDecorator — Interface, package org.spicefactory.lib.xml.mapper
The core extension interface to create metadata tags for custom XML to Object mappings.
MetadataRegistry — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.reflect.mapping
The internal registry of all mapped metadata tags.
method — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.comobserver.tag.CommandCompleteDecorator
The name of the method that wishes to handle the message.
method — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.comobserver.tag.CommandErrorDecorator
The name of the method that wishes to handle the message.
method — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.comobserver.tag.CommandResultDecorator
The name of the method that wishes to handle the message.
method(name:String) — method, interface org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder.ObjectDefinitionBuilder
Allows to specify injections or other features for a single method
method(name:String) — method, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder.impl.DefaultObjectDefinitionBuilder
Allows to specify injections or other features for a single method
method — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.inject.tag.InjectMethodDecorator
The name of the method.
method — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.lifecycle.tag.DestroyMethodDecorator
The name of the method.
method — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.lifecycle.tag.FactoryMethodDecorator
The name of the factory method.
method — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.lifecycle.tag.InitMethodDecorator
The name of the method.
method — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.lifecycle.tag.ObserveMethodDecorator
The name of the method.
method — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.tag.MessageErrorDecorator
The name of the error handler method.
method — Property, class org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.tag.MessageHandlerDecorator
The name of the method that wishes to handle the message.
Method — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.reflect
Represents a single method.
METHOD — Constant Static Property, class org.spicefactory.lib.reflect.metadata.Types
Constant for methods.
MethodBuilder — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder
Builder for applying configuration to a single method.
MethodInvocationError — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.reflect.errors
Error thrown when a reflective method invocation fails.
MethodInvocationError(message:String, cause:Error, id:int) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.lib.reflect.errors.MethodInvocationError
Create a new instance.
MethodInvocationProcessor — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder.processor
Processor that invokes a method in the target object, potentially resolving references to other objects in the Context for the parameter values.
MethodInvocationProcessor(unresolvedParams:Array) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder.processor.MethodInvocationProcessor
Creates a new processor instance.
MethodProcessor — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.processor
Object processor responsible for processing a single method of the target instance.
MethodProcessorBuilder — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder
Builder for applying configuration to a single method processor.
MethodReceiver — Interface, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.receiver
Represents a single method that acts as a message receiver.
MethodReceiverProcessor — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.processor
Processor that registers message receivers for a target method.
MethodReceiverProcessor(factory:Function, scopeName:String) — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.parsley.messaging.processor.MethodReceiverProcessor
Creates a new processor factory.
minParams(count:int) — method, interface org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder.MethodProcessorBuilder
Specifies the minimum of method parameters expected by this processor.
MultiMap — class, package org.spicefactory.lib.collection
Map implementation that maps each key to one or more items.
MultiMap() — Constructor, class org.spicefactory.lib.collection.MultiMap
Creates a new instance.
multiple — Property, class org.spicefactory.lib.reflect.metadata.MappedMetadata
Determines whether the mapped metadata tag is allowed to appear multiple times on the same element.
mustRead() — method, interface org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder.PropertyProcessorBuilder
Indicates that the processor must read from the property.
mustWrite() — method, interface org.spicefactory.parsley.core.builder.PropertyProcessorBuilder
Indicates that the processor must write to the property.
MxmlCommandFactoryTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.tag.command
Extension of the default command factory tag that handles ids set in MXML.
MxmlCommandFlowTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.tag.command
Tag for command flows declared in MXML or XML configuration.
MxmlCommandSequenceTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.tag.command
Tag for command sequences declared in MXML or XML configuration.
MxmlCommandTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.tag.command
Tag for a single command declared in MXML configuration.
MxmlDynamicObjectTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.tag.core
Extension of the default dynamic object tag that handles ids set in MXML.
MxmlObjectsTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.tag.core
Represents the root objects tag of an MXML configuration file.
MxmlParallelCommandsTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.tag.command
Tag for parallel commands declared in MXML or XML configuration.
MxmlRootObjectTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.tag.core
Extension of the default object definition tag that handles ids set in MXML.
MxmlViewTag — class, package org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.tag.core
Extension of the default view definition tag that handles ids set in MXML.
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